Top-down focused

Andromeda Capital Management is a global long-short strategy investing primarily in credit and focusing on alpha generation and positive upside/downside convexity.

We capture catalysts that transform countries, change industries and disrupt firms' capital structures.

Why Us

Twenty years of experience in credit markets, and over ten years working together as a team.

Our research-driven approach to investing combines top-down asset allocation with bottom-up deep dive credit analysis.

We invest across the entire capital structure and across countries, with a focus on developed markets, high yield and Europe.

We aim to deliver alpha through positive convexity and speed of execution.

We include governance analysis and diversity in our investment process as well as in how we build teams.

Our Team

Andromeda's leadership team combines top-down analysis with deep dives into countries, economic sectors and firms.

This allows the strategy perform even in periods of volatility and economic change.

The Silver Bullet

The last twenty years were a period of low inflation, few geopolitical frictions, free-trade, and neoliberal policies. We believe this stable, goldilocks environment is over.

Record high inequality, persistent inflation on higher fiscal spending, rising geopolitical risks and climate polarisation will shape the future investment environment.

In The Silver Bullet, our long-standing investor letter, we explain how we think investors should get ready for the challenge.


Europe's Turnaround

To learn more about us or for any other enquiries, please send us an email or visit our office.